Wrapping up 2020... November & December reads 🎄

Hello everyone!! I hope everyone is well and had a lovely restful Christmas if you celebrated it. 🎅 I never got round to posting my November wrap up before it was too late so I have combined it with December to wrap up the final months of 2020. It's been a tough year, and for those of us in the UK it is going to be a tough start to 2021 but we are resilient and I personally feel hope due to the incredible and selfless efforts of our healthcare workers and scientists! Wherever you are in the world, it will be okay; if we take each day by day, and keep ourselves safe, by following regulations and having our vaccine when we're offered it, we will be back with our loved ones before we know it! - November - November was a weird month for me. It started well and then ended with isolation and an unexpected return home from university. It was also a strange reading month, no pleasure reads and all uni work; overall a draining month that I don't recall very much of. Howev...