Wrapping up 2020... November & December reads 🎄

 Hello everyone!!

I hope everyone is well and had a lovely restful Christmas if you celebrated it. ðŸŽ…

I never got round to posting my November wrap up before it was too late so I have combined it with December to wrap up the final months of 2020. It's been a tough year, and for those of us in the UK it is going to be a tough start to 2021 but we are resilient and I personally feel hope due to the incredible and selfless efforts of our healthcare workers and scientists! Wherever you are in the world, it will be okay; if we take each day by day, and keep ourselves safe, by following regulations and having our vaccine when we're offered it, we will be back with our loved ones before we know it! 

- November - 

November was a weird month for me. It started well and then ended with isolation and an unexpected return home from university. It was also a strange reading month, no pleasure reads and all uni work; overall a draining month that I don't recall very much of. However, I did enjoy being very cosy as the nights got darker and colder, and I watched lots of films and shows, including a solo Harry Potter marathon and binge watching Wild at Heart (a serious throwback). 

Books finished: 4

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston - 5*

The Testament of Mary by Colm Toibin - 3.5*

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller -  4*

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry - 4*

DNF: 3

The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan - 1*. I read about 3 chapters of this book and it was so vulgar I gave up,

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut - 3* so far. I am enjoying it but it's heavy going, I will finish it eventually. 

Katherine of Aragon by Alison Weir - 5* so far. Absolutely fantastic, just got set aside for uni reading. Hoping to finish it soon!! 

- December - 

December was a quiet but lovely month, preparing for Christmas with my family and working hard on my uni assignments. I didn't manage much reading at all, but I did return to my old job for the holidays and it helped me feel back on track with motivating myself and feeling secure in my mental health. I am now looking forward to moving back to uni very soon and starting the books for my new semester, even though we have to stay online for a while longer to keep everyone safe! My new books are slowly arriving and I will share when I have them all.

Books finished: 2

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller - 5*

The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy - 4*

Very few books read this month, however they were both pleasure reads and not for uni so I really enjoyed them, and I am looking forward to January and an exciting tbr, which I will post soon!

Books received: 4

I was lucky enough to receive 4 books for Christmas from family and my partner and I'm really looking forward to reading them over the next few months. 

Do you have any idea of your January TBR yet? Did you receive any great books for Christmas?

Until next time,



  1. I get that it can be difficult to find the energy to read for pleasure when you have lots of uni work and would rather watch TV series and films. Well done for reading 6 books in November and December though! I received a copy of The Twelve Dates of Christmas for Christmas so I'm reading that now!

    Serena / http://www.ramblingsofanotherunigraduate.com

    1. Ooh I've heard lots of good things about Twelve Dates of Christmas. I hope you enjoyed!!!

  2. You’ve had a great couple of months of reading especially when you consider you’re going to uni and all the stress of this year. I didn’t receive any books for Christmas so I bought myself one! I hope you have a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2021.

  3. I'm glad you got some cosy nights in amongst the stress of the last few months! And glad you had some good reads too 😊

    Anika | chaptersofmay.com

    1. Thank you! I love reading and being cosy in winter. Such a distraction from the rest of the world!!

  4. You definitely read a lot these past two months! I need to read more. I enjoy it but I have a hard time sitting still long enough to do so!

    1. Sometimes it's like that - I could read for hours one day and not be able to sit still for 10 mins the next!! :(

  5. I really didn't manage to read much over Christmas, everything at work got too busy but looking forward to starting a new book now!

    1. Definitley a busy period whatever your line of work! I'd have loved to have read more but the time just flew by. xx


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