Books I read in Lockdown: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (SPOILERS)

**"There is a plot, Harry potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year!" (page 16) So, following on from my Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone review (linked), it's time for me to review the Chamber of Secrets! This book is another one of my personal favourites from the series and one which I feel should not be underestimated. Now, I did a little bit of research before writing this review, into what people feel are the issues with this book and why they do or do not like it. The main criticism of this book that I found amongst readers is that they felt it to be the least important of the seven novels and that its plot is somewhat irrelevant, claiming it to have the least to do with the overall plot. Obviously I completely respect that people feel that way but I really couldn't disagree more and there are some super important elements of the Chamber of Secrets that do come in handy later on...