
Showing posts from July, 2020

✨my classics tbr ✨

Hiya everyone... Long time, no see! I honestly do not know where this month has gone. It's nearly the end of July already and I've barely had time to notice it go by. However, I have now left my job and have the next 6 ish weeks to prepare for university. I have a biggg list of books to read and a chance to enjoy time with my family. With plenty of time for blogging thrown in too!  I am a huge classics fan and from the reading list I've already received for the first term of my degree, university is going to fuel my passion even more. There are some great books on my shelf to read before September, including The Great Gatsby and Dracula!!  With that being said. Here is my  Classics TBR... 📚 David Copperfield - Charles Dickens 📚 This is Dickens' most famous bildungsroman novel and has some of his better known characters including Uriah Heep and Betsey Trotwood. The novel is all about coming of age and the journey through Copperfield's dramatic life.  This novel...

★Books I read in Lockdown: Marrow Book One (Spoilers)★

......... This is a fantastic debut novel by Alex Blythe, a mix of fantasy and amazing emotions. This book was scary and I held my breath during some parts but I also loved watching the key characters Latham and Thora growing up and realising their feelings for each other.  What I loved most about this book was the whole idea of the invisible yet almost unbreakably strong bonds that the characters share, not only with their family and friends but with every member of their community. It was so poignant to me in the current climate that the characters in this story feel each others every emotion and sense that their peers need are in danger and feel the loss of members of their kin so strongly.  The darkness and deceit that is vital to this book makes for a really exciting and suspicious book and I found myself loving trying to figure out various elements. I also fell in love with Isaac the Astral Guide's character as he was so fair and wise and noble even in his own suffering....

June Wrap up

Hello everyone June has been an interesting month reading wise. If you read my 'Plans for June' post' then you will know that I had a lot of readathons and events planned for June and I was aiming for an awful lot of reading. I know now that that was unrealistic and I put too much pressure on myself. As a result I absolutely crumbled and barely achieved anything I set out to.  As a quick summary (refer back to the plans for June post if you have no idea what I am talking about)..... I read 2 out of 4 Shakespeare plays for #Shakespearesummer, however the read along then got postponed to a later date by the organiser. I really enjoyed the plays I read which were 'As You Like It' and 'Julius Caesar'.  I read 6 books for House-cup-a-thon and participated in 2 instagram challenges, one of which I somehow managed to win!! I read 2,046 pages overall and earned 340 points for my house. I am disappointed in myself, however, I had set myself a very unrealistic TBR.  ...