Black Authors Fiction TBR - Part 1.

hello everyone! 

I had such a great time putting together my '11 Non-fiction Books about BLM that I plan to read TBR' that I am now back with a similar list for fiction novels!!

Most of these titles are YA (young adult) fiction and mostly new releases. A few also tie in well with June being Pride month as they have LGBTQIA+ representation. 

These have come from recommendations on Twitter and Instagram, as well as research I have done into recently published black written novels. I have plans in a few weeks to share a compilation post containing LOADS of Black Lives Matter links, including fellow bloggers posts and reviews, book lists, black owned businesses and resources; where you will find many of the books I am going to be recommending plus lots more! 

I have decided to make this post into two parts as my TBR is long, and all the books on this list had a red/orange/pink colour theme which I thought looked good together :) 


This book features police brutality and how easily a white officer can be provoked in the US in the 21st century. Justyce McAllister is arrested, ridiculed by peers and his academic success counts for nothing - just because he is black! Leading him to start a journal to Martin Luther King JR. 

This book is loosely based on the shooting of some African American teenagers and Stone turned to the teachings of MLK JR in her project to seek justice. 

Amazon rating: 4.8/5 stars  Released: 3rd May 2018

2. DEAR JUSTYCE (coming 6th October 2020) - NIC STONE

Following on from my first choice, Dear Justyce is the sequel to Dear Martin and will be released later in the year. 

This book is about Justyce McAllister as a student at Yale University and his friend Vernell LaQuan Banks, who grew up in the same neighbourhood as Justyce, but instead is behind bars for murder. 

He writes as series of letters to Justyce and we see his story take shape and events of his life that may go to explain his involvement in a murder charge. 


This book follows Felix and the pressure he feels having never been in love before. He worries his identity - queer, black and transgender - provide him with one label too many and that he won't find love.

A bully posts pre-transition photos of Felix alongside his deadname (female birth name) and Felix decides to catfish the bully to get revenge, with unexpected results. 

Amazon rating: 5/5 stars   Released: 5th May 2020


This book is about love, family, being a black woman in the workplace and trying to fit in. Her family don't seem to understand her and she can only get a break from her long term boyfriend Toni. 

Wonderfully ironic, humorous and emotionally, and was shortlisted for lots of prizes including Waterstone's Book of the Year and Blackwell's Debut Novel of the Year 

Amazon rating: 4.4/5 stars  Released: 6th Feb 2020


This is a story of a gay mixed-race boy on his journey to self acceptance and his discovery of his talent as a drag queen 'The Black Flamingo'. 

He accepts his uniqueness and enjoys the freedom that comes with being himself. 

Amazon rating: 4.7/5 stars  Released: 5th March 2020

                            I hope that perhaps you were able to find a book on this                                              list that you may want to read yourself 

                                                   Until next time xxx



  1. There are definitely some books on here I need to add to my list. I've been hearing so much about QUEENIE and FELIX EVER AFTER so I've gotta add those.

    1. I think Queenie was 99p on the kindle store a while ago - I don't know if it still is but it may be worth a look!! I can feel your enthusiasm through this comment which is absolutely amazing, I hope you read and love some of these books. xxx

  2. This is a great list, I read Dear Martin earlier this year and it was so sad! I didnt know there was a sequel to it though!

    1. Oh no - I hope it's great even though it's sad!! xx

  3. This is such a great list - I've got Queenie all ready to start tomorrow as part of The Uncool Club's book challenge so very excited. Thanks for sharing some fab recommendations - it's so important to try and diversify your reading lists x

    Paige // Paige Eades

    1. Ooh I would love to hear what you think of it!!! It is so important and I'm really enjoying finding so many great authors and books. Thank you so much xx

  4. Great list! Queenie is one of my favourites, I'm so glad it won Book of the Year at British Book Awards :)

    Anika |

    1. That's amazing to hear. I'm so excited for it! xx

  5. Great choices! I think Queenie is next on my to read list! I already have it downloaded on my Kindle!

    1. Thank you - I think Queenie is one of the ones I'm most excited for - I hope you enjoy it :)

  6. Nice list. You can't go wrong with Nic Stone. I'm not sure if you're on Instagram but she's got a great page over there and does awesome interviews with other authors on various racial equity topics.
    Great list. If you're interested you can find me here at All Books All People .

    1. Thank you. I will definitely check out Stone's Instagram!! xx

  7. These are really great recommendations! I've read Dear Martin and it's an amazing book!

    1. Thank you so much!! I am looking forward to Dear Martin a lot. xx

  8. Well there goes any attempt I have at not adding to my TBR pile this month! Haha! There are some great suggestions here. I've heard a lot about Queenie and The Black Flamingo but haven't heard about some of these others so looking forward to checking them out. Thanks for sharing!

    Lindsey |

    1. Thank you that means so much to me. I'm thrilled and also sorry to have broken your no book adding mission, haha. xxx

  9. I have the last 3 on my TBR right now! I read so many phenomenal books by Black authors this past month, and can't wait to continue that. It's never been a trend for me, it's just awesome to be discovering more and more books that I'm dying to pour over soon!

    1. I agree - I am genuinely loving discovering such diverse reads and so many amazing new authors and books!! xx

  10. I loved your other post about black non-fiction books but I'm definitely a fiction gal so thank you for these recommendations! I've heard great things about Queenie!

    1. Thank you so much!!! I am a fiction gal too even though I have been enjoying non fic a lot more recently. Keep your eyes peeled for future posts for fiction recs - I have lots more!! xxx


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