🍄 July Wrap Up & Plans for August 🍄

Hello everyone and happy August! 

Hopefully this will be a fairly short post - but we know how much I can ramble on....


So, July was a bit of a weird reading month for me. I felt like I was reading all the time and should have raced through lots of books - and I definitely bought a lot of books - but I actually only managed to complete 3 books during the month!! 

Normal People - Sally Rooney

I really really enjoyed this book just as much as I did the series. I loved Connell's character especially and thought it was really important that Rooney had chosen male mental health representation.

I would have preferred this book in a different narrative style and not to jump around as much in the timeline however, it was amazing. 

Rating: 4.5 

The Beekeeper of Aleppo - Christy Lefteri

This book was an absolutely beautiful read. I haven't previously read any books about the current issues in Syria but this one really opened my eyes to the peril of an immigrants journey. 

I adored the relationship between Nuri and his wife, and also the focus on the way the journey affected both their mental and physical health.

Rating: 5 ✩

Emma - Jane Austen

This book started very slowly; the plot made very little progress and every chapter felt like a lifetime.

However, moving into volume 2 of the book the pace picked up and the characters did more on a daily basis. 

Emma does change through the book however I still dislike her a lot and she is very self-centered.

Rating: 3.5 ✩

Technically I was participating in the Rainbow Read-a-thon during July; so these reads ticked off Red, Blue and Pink!


I am going to be spending most of August reading books that I need to read for my first term of university in September. As you will be hardly surprised to hear, I am going to be doing my degree in English Literature and therefore I get to read a fantastic range of books, authors and time periods. I may do a post on those books once I have read a few and can do some reviews so keep an eye out for that!

During August I am participating in a group read on Instagram of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas which was on my recent 'My Classics TBR' post - this opportunity arose at a strangely convenient time! It is over 1000 pages and I can't wait to get stuck in!! 

As well as the Instagram group read I have my usual monthly classic for Let's Get Classical book club and this months pick is The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde. 

So there we have it!! Fingers crossed for a successful August reading month for me and for all of you - I would love to hear what you are up to this month, leave a comment - all these books should give me many opportunities for exciting posts and also don't forget to follow me on Instagram for daily updates etc. 



  1. I somehow still haven't read Normal People! I need to in August though. I have so many books I want to read, and what feels like so little time!

    Jemima x

    1. I was also very late to the game reading Normal People - I only discovered it after the BBC show. My TBR is so big it makes me anxious sometimes!! xxx

  2. I've been meaning to read The Beekeeper of Aleppo. Thanks for reminding me! I read Conversations with Friends, another Sally Rooney, last year and didn't love it. It's not my style. So I don't think I'd be into Normal People, but I might try out the TV show. Good luck with your August reading for school!

    If you want to check out what I read in July, here's my wrap up: https://teaspoonofadventure.com/books-july-2020/

    1. The Beekeeper of Aleppo is so beautiful!!! I started Conversations with Friends recently and I can't get into it :( Normal People is quite different though. xxx

  3. Good luck starting university! I just finished my BA in English lit and I loved it! I would like to read Normal People too!

    1. Thank you - I am so excited!!! I would highly recommend it, it's a very funny and raw story about teen love. <3 xx

  4. Great picks! I loved Emma when I was in high school. It's so funny how many classics I enjoyed in middle and high school, and now I'm totally bored by them (le sigh). But I can't wait to see how August goes for you!

    1. I have so many more classics to be read in August so you'll love the wrap up for this month, haha!! xx

  5. Best of luck with university! I've heard a lot about these 3 books, but I have to admit that I haven't read ANY of them. The Beekeeper of Aleppo sounds great though, hopefully I'll get to read that one sometime in the future!

    Thanks for sharing your wrap-up and good luck with your August reading! :)

    1. Thank you so much!! It really is great - so beautiful and eye opening! xxx

  6. Sounds like a great mix of books! The Beekeeper of Aleppo seems like a really eye-opening book!

    1. It was a nice mixture actually!! TBOA is a really beautiful book, the descriptions are very enchanting, and it definitely did open my eyes to the immigrant experience. xxx

  7. Hi! I really enjoyed this article! You mentioned two of my favorites books: the portrait of Dorian Gray and the Count of Monte Cristo! I really loved how both the authors explore their characters’ inner torment! Hope to see more in future ☺️

    1. Reads and Ramblings26 August 2020 at 14:10

      Thank you so much for your comments. I am really enjoying the Count of Monte cristo so far!!! xxx


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