🍎What I eat in a week at University 🍎

 good evening, 

I am going to try and stick to Sunday as my regular posting day now as much as I possibly can - as a student it just makes the most sense as it's my day to relax. One of my 2021 goals is to put more effort into my blog and to post regularly in the hope of growing my little corner of the internet. 

Since coming back to uni this year I've decided to put more thought and time into cooking - last term I ate a lot of takeaways and not only was that financially irresponsible, it didn't feel good! Also, last semester, as a friendship group we would take turns cooking, cook for each other etc and now that I'm here living very independantly it is down to me to cook every nightπŸ˜‚ I can't (and don't) make anything fancy, it's fairly basic but it's actually quite enjoyable and I do feel better for it. 

So, this week I decided to keep a little food diary so I could show you all what I've eaten this week and how most of it is really simple and pretty cheap - I'll do my best to break down prices for the dinners especially; just for reference I shop at Tesco! Please please please do not take this as what is necessarily a good, healthy balanced diet. I'm a student, we don't have the best eating habits, and sometimes we skip breakfast!! If you're a current uni student, looking to go to uni next year, or someone who maybe lives alone and hates cooking or spending lots of money, I hope you might find this a little bit helpful!


Breakfast:  peach yoghurt, a banana, fruit cereal bar, and a cup of tea 
Lunch: tortilla wrap with cooked chicken breast pieces, cucumber, sliced baby plum tomatoes and light mayo
a handful of plain tortilla chips, grapes, an apple and a bottle of water πŸŽ
Dinner/Tea: spiral pasta with Tesco tomato & mascarpone sauce, and then I added half an onion, half a red pepper and 4 mushrooms/ overall cost once you break it down by grams of pasta, half prices of veg, sauce etc was around 85p, and I have some left over!!


Breakfast: I woke up very late today, so skipped breakfast (don't do that, it's bad!) but I then went for a long walk and was really hungry when I got back
Lunch: leftover tomato & mascarpone pasta, and a bottle of water
Snack:  bit peckish after 3 hours working on my assignment, so I had a yoghurt and a double decker with a cup of tea πŸ˜‹
Dinner/Tea: Didn't fancy cooking tonight, especially as I had pasta for lunch, so I had a toasted chicken & cheese sandwich, with some fruit and salad


Breakfast: porridge with apple, blueberries and a drizzle of honey, and a glass of cranberry juice. 
Lunch: cheese, cucumber, tomato, red pepper and onion tortilla wraps which I melted in the microwave to make a melted pocket type thing, (because I was cold!), with a few plain tortilla chips πŸ…
Dinner/Tea: fish finger sandwiches with ketchup (costs around 50p)


Breakfast: toast with Biscoff spread (my absolute favourite!)
Lunch: toasted tuna & cheese sandwich, grapes, salad and some plain tortilla chips πŸ‡
Dinner/Tea: pasta, with onion, mushroom, bacon and the rest of the tomato & mascarpone sauce I needed to use up (cost around £1)


Breakfast: apricot yoghurt, a banana, a cup of tea and 4 malted milk biscuits πŸ„
Lunch: chicken super noodles :/
Dinner/Tea:  tonight I treated myself and ordered an Indian takeaway - I had a king prawn bhuna with rice and a poppadom (and a cheeky glass of wine!)


Breakfast: I had a big bottle of water, a banana and a breakfast bar before heading out on my long walk to to do my grocery shopping
Lunch: came back starving as you can probably imagine, I had another melted cheese, cucumber and tomato wrap, with grapes, tortilla chips and a lemon & lime yogurt, and a cup of tea πŸ§€
Snack: must admit I snuck in another cup of tea and a Wispa gold while I was reading The Midnight Library! Never be ashamed of your snacks!! 
Dinner/Tea: I cooked Chicken tonight and rice with broccoli (1 chicken breast, half a jar of creamy mushroom chicken tonight sauce, and a pouch of boil in the bag rice, cost around £2.15)


Brunch: Sunday lay in and morning routine meant it was around 11am by the time I got round to breakfast, I needed to use the rest of the bacon from earlier this week so I made bacon and fried egg breakfast wraps!
Snack: didn't have lunch due to my late breakfast but I got peckish during my assignment research so I had a cup of tea, a lemon & lime yoghurt, and a huge apple. πŸ‹
Dinner/Tea: jacket potato with tuna and cheese, with baby plum tomatoes and a few cucumber slices, afterwards I had a little raspberry trifle pot which was delicious!

So, there is my week! I think I got my 5 a day in on quite a few of the days, and definitely I've used a range of fruit and veg this week. However, I've also eaten chocolate bars, trifle, a takeaway and instant noodles - so what I'm here to say, is that's absolutely ok! I've studied hard all week and needed sugar and brain food, I've also had 2 long walks to stay active. Right now the most important things to remember are:

a) if you are hungry, EAT!
b) try to get a balanced diet, but do not feel ashamed of yourself or let anyone make you feel ashamed of what you have eaten
c) food doesn't have to be expensive, and whatever you can afford to eat is better than nothing
d) if you need help around eating, or affording good food, ask for help! Please! There are so many services out there if you think you may have issues around your relationship with food, and if you are struggling financially, never forget about your local food bank!

I think that's everything I have to say for now - I will be back next Sunday with a book review so keep your eyes peeled for that! 

Finally, when you comment, let me know what your favourite food/snack/thing to cook is? I need inspiration!

Until next time



  1. Great post! It's lovely to get an insight into what you eat in a week - good meal ideas too for students xx

    1. Thank you - It was quite fun to keep track of and I think it helped me make better choices. Hopefully students can take a small amount of inspiration! xx

  2. Wow! You are eating well for a student. I was lucky in that I was in dormitories and had food services; having to prepare and clean up meals would have been too time consuming (so a lot of takeaway). I know you’re just starting the semester, but keep it up!

    1. Thank you, haha! I definitely ate a lot of takeaways last semester - partly socially because we would order as a group of friends, but now it's far too much money to do it just for me! xx

  3. I second Erin’s comment! You eat really well for a student, much better than I did! I was a fan of takeout, snacks, and the dining hall. Good for you for cooking such delicious and healthy sounding meals.

    1. There is no dining hall/catered accommodation at my uni which definitely helps motivate cooking - otherwise I'd have probably lived there, haha! xx

  4. Loving all these choices, you definitely seem to have everything in control in regards to what you eat (unlike me haha), really great ideas for other students out there as well! X

    1. Thank you - it is definitly best to plan and keep control of what you are cooking and eating, it also helps control shopping and financing! I hope it helps other people! xx

  5. Food diaries can be super useful! And it looks like you eat super healthy. I'm trying to watch what I eat now (after a massive pig out over Christmas - sooooo much food lol)! Now I plan my meals out in advance, including like healthy snacks and things. It just helps me so much knowing what I'm eating, otherwise I just wouldn't have any control. Also favourite food at the moment is weirdly chickpeas - they work in most meals. But if you bake them you get a great snack :D

    1. It was certainly interesting to see what I eat, and what food I'd used when it came around to my next shopping list! I definitely need to make healthier choices over christmas, and especially with lockdown - it can be easy to just sit around eating everything in sight!! Baked chickpeas sound great to snack on - I like finding alternative to crisps and little snacks especially as I'm allergic to nuts! Thank you for the tip. xxx

  6. What a great way to share meal ideas! Your Monday dinner sounds amazing!

    1. Thank you! It was gorgeous and I was pleased I had leftover! xx

  7. You have so many awesome ideas, simple yet effective! So nice to hear about your cooking journey. I adore fish finger sandwiches haha! All the best, Amy at amymarshment.com xx

    1. The ideas definitely didn't come naturally to me before uni - lots of scouring the internet and student cook books people bought me!! Fish finger sandwiches are the best, haha! xx


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